HL7 is a three
decade old interoperability standard used globally to
exchange messages between healthcare Entities. It also
supports exchange of structured clinical documents.
In the
US, HL7 compliance is mandatory for Meaningful Use certified
Electronic Medical Records.
If you work with Health Records
or clinical processes, giving your applications HL7
capabilities and conformance is as good as mandatory.
If it is an HL7 solution that you
are looking for, you have come to the right place.
We provide quick, powerful, stable and affordable HL7
interface solutions using MIRTH, the most powerful, global, open source HL7 interface engine Just email us your requirements at
contact@hcitconsultant.com and let us tailor make
you a solution. A solution that would fit your budget, your
time lines and your quality parameters.
We do it all: Understand your
requirements Interact with your client on your behalf for
requirement gathering Strategize a MIRTH solution Put
together a project plan Ensure HIPAA compliance, where
required Train your resources Test the
software components Test the solution Trouble shoot
Design the software components, if required Support setup
of the solution Carry out customized client specific
activities, where required Hand hold till Go-Live
Provide support on a retainer basis, if required