OUR SERVICES HEALTHCARE IT :: PROJECT MANAGEMENT :: TRAINING :: CLINICALS :: MARKETING & SALES We are a One-Stop Shop for all of your needs in the Healthcare Information Technology Domain. Be it strategy, software design, Ergonomy validation, project management, clinical content management, field trials/testing, marketing or bundled turnkey services. Project Management We look at project management as every thing right from when a bright idea pops in your head till the project is wound up after having served its full potential. Pre Tender and Tender document creation A project, many a time starts with a Request for Information (RFI) is a a tricky document to create and so is the response. A clear understanding of what you need is necessarily the first step to creating a good RFI. That is but the first step of many such steps, you then need to structure the document in a way that it follows a standard globally understood format. However you need to ensure plain speak so that the reader (a) understands what is required and (b) finds it interesting enough to reply to with an appropriate response. A coherent response is important since this response will be the foundation for the RFP. On the other hand if you are responding to an RFP you need to make sure that it is absolutely in line with the requirements so that you are shortlisted. Then there are the time lines and so many other points to note. Why bother and get stressed out? Just call us. We have written such documents for large multinationals (Singapore, UK, US, India, etc) successfully. That is because we look at the completion solution that the client requires, tie you up with partners and help you form a consortium that would have a better chance at cracking the RFI. We then help you create the RFP and later the tender Proposal documents and finally the actual Project Document, using Prince2 Project Management methods. If you have a bright idea but are not will to risk a big sum till you are sure of its viability, then call us. We will do feasibility and applicability studies, field surveys, trials and multiple scenarios and pilot projects to not only tell you if your idea works but also as to which plan to adopt to get the best value for money. We even study and suggest use of alternate methodologies, interoperability options, selection of appropriate technology, use of relevant commercial off the shelf (COTS) widgets, applications and hardware. We can then actually execute the project for you at rates that will be less expensive than doing it by your self, while being fully in control, all the time. To ensure that the project goes through flawlessly, we not only will assist you in finding the right software, hardware, medical equipment and infrastructure but will fill the gaps which no one else wants to fill and also monitor the project for quality output and adherence to time lines. The idea is to ensure full ownership and responsibility and put an end to the "That was not my job!" syndrome. We will train your resources or that of your client and where required supply trained resources (technical or medical). For further details on training click here. Maintenance & Operational management Once the project is 'Live' we can carry out maintenance or operational management with our staff thereby relieving you of the the stress of maintaining an army of staff for operations and support. Just sell your solution and go to your next customer. As easy as that. We can do the rest. We also help you with project Upgradation , upscaling, risk management and change management. Why waste your time, effort and money on non-Core activities? Let us do it for you. We help migration of any appropriate Healthcare support function (or functions) from one geography to another. It could be between countries, regions or even cities and involves understanding the existing process, determining the best migration methodology and overseeing/executing the migration. The advantage to the customer could be in the form of lower costs, better quality, higher output, lesser complexity or special tax reliefs. Reactivation of failed projects Most vendors or consultants shy away from this kind of a project since it is most difficult to execute and least profitable. We accept such projects in spite of the challenges since we know that once made operational, it would contribute, directly or indirectly to improved or increased patient care. That makes it worth it.
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2 Jan 2018 |